Class JavaClassFeatureSet


public class JavaClassFeatureSet
extends AbstractTypedFeatureSet

Field Summary
protected  ResourceAdapter sourceDocumentAdapter
Fields inherited from class com.inline.feature.common.AbstractTypedFeatureSet
Fields inherited from class com.inline.feature.common.AbstractResourceListener
active, featureModel, parent, resourceAdapters, resourceSetAdapters, revalidate
Constructor Summary
JavaClassFeatureSet(Feature parent, java.lang.String type)
Method Summary
 Feature allocateFeature(java.lang.String signature)
          Override this method to allocate an instance of a Feature of the set's type.
protected getFeatureSignatures()
          Override this method to perform parsing of resources and build a set of signatures of all Features of the set's type found on the set's parent Feature.
protected  void registerDependencies()
          Override to register all resource adapters this feature set depends upon.
 boolean shouldCheckHasChildren()
          Override this method to return false.
Methods inherited from class com.inline.feature.common.AbstractTypedFeatureSet
activate, allocateFeature, canChangeSet, featureAdded, featureRemoved, featureReplaced, getFeature, getFeatureConstructors, getFeatures, getFeatures, getPrimitiveFeatureConstructors, getSortedFeatures, getType, insert, isDefaultPrimitiveFeatureConstructorAllowed, isEmpty, refresh, release, removeAll, resourceAdded, resourceChanged, resourceRemoved, toString
Methods inherited from class com.inline.feature.common.AbstractFeatureSet
addFeatureSetListener, fireFeatureAdded, fireFeatureRemoved, fireFeatureReplaced, getDefaultFeatureConstructor, getFeatureConstructor, getFeatureConstructors, removeFeatureSetListener
Methods inherited from class com.inline.feature.common.AbstractResourceListener
getFeatureModel, getParent, invalidate, passivate, propertyChange, registerResourceAdapter, registerResourceAdapter, registerResourceSetAdapter, registerResourceSetAdapter, unregisterResourceAdapter, unregisterResourceSetAdapter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ResourceAdapter sourceDocumentAdapter
Constructor Detail


public JavaClassFeatureSet(Feature parent,
                           java.lang.String type)
Method Detail


protected void registerDependencies()
Description copied from class: AbstractResourceListener
Override to register all resource adapters this feature set depends upon. Call registerResourceAdapter(reference) for each resource adapter and registerResourceSetAdapter(type, qualifier) for each resource set adapter. AbstractResourceListener will make the feature an observer of events from those adapters as needed.
registerDependencies in class AbstractResourceListener


protected getFeatureSignatures()
Description copied from class: AbstractTypedFeatureSet
Override this method to perform parsing of resources and build a set of signatures of all Features of the set's type found on the set's parent Feature.
getFeatureSignatures in class AbstractTypedFeatureSet


public Feature allocateFeature(java.lang.String signature)
Description copied from class: AbstractTypedFeatureSet
Override this method to allocate an instance of a Feature of the set's type.
allocateFeature in class AbstractTypedFeatureSet


public boolean shouldCheckHasChildren()
Description copied from class: AbstractFeatureSet
Override this method to return false. If you do that, the child feature set will always claim that this feature has children, even if there are really none. The visible effect of this is that the node in the tree will always appear to be expandable. The user may need to click on the handle to make it disappear.
shouldCheckHasChildren in class AbstractFeatureSet