Package com.inline.feature

Interface Summary
ConstraintViolation ConstrainViolation is the kind of FeatureMessage that is produced by features during the constraint validation process.
Feature Feature is the key interface in the InLine tool architecture; a feature is a node in a hierarchicaly organized feature model.
FeatureAction A FeatureAction represents an operation that can be performed on a Feature.
FeatureActionFactory FeatureActionFactories produce FeatureActions for individual Features.
FeatureConstructor Feature constructors are used to create new Features and insert them into the FeatureModel.
FeatureConstructorFactory FeatureConstructorFactories produce FeatureConstructors for child FeatureSets of Features.
FeatureFactory FeatureFactories are responsible for allocation of FeatureSets, which represent sets of child Features of a parent Feature.
FeatureMessage FeatureMessages are formatted parameterized messages associated with a Feature.
FeatureModel FeatureModel is the container of a Feature tree.
FeatureModelConfigurator FeatureModelConfigurators are used by the feature model to choose between alternative implementations of FeatureFactories, FeatureConstructorFactories, FeatureActionFactories.
FeatureModelConfiguratorFactory FeatureModelConfiguratorFactories are responsible for supplying FeatureModelConfigurators.
FeatureModelFactory FeatureModels are created by FeatureModelFactories.
FeatureService The FeatureService collectes, caches and vends sets of factories of all sorts.
FeatureSet FeatureSet is a tree-forming object, it contains children of a parent feature.
FeatureSetListener Observer of feature set events: feature added, removed or replaced.

Class Summary
FeatureURL Some convenience methods for constructing and parsing feature URLs.
ValidationError ValidationErrors are produced by features during the validation process.

Exception Summary