Interface Summary |
ConstraintViolation |
ConstrainViolation is the kind of FeatureMessage that is produced
by features during the constraint validation process. |
Feature |
Feature is the key interface in the InLine tool architecture; a feature is a node
in a hierarchicaly organized feature model. |
FeatureAction |
A FeatureAction represents an operation that can be performed on a Feature. |
FeatureActionFactory |
FeatureActionFactories produce FeatureActions for individual Features. |
FeatureConstructor |
Feature constructors are used to create new Features and insert them into
the FeatureModel. |
FeatureConstructorFactory |
FeatureConstructorFactories produce FeatureConstructors for child
FeatureSets of Features. |
FeatureFactory |
FeatureFactories are responsible for allocation of FeatureSets, which represent
sets of child Features of a parent Feature. |
FeatureMessage |
FeatureMessages are formatted parameterized messages associated with a Feature. |
FeatureModel |
FeatureModel is the container of a Feature tree. |
FeatureModelConfigurator |
FeatureModelConfigurators are used by the feature model to choose between
alternative implementations of FeatureFactories, FeatureConstructorFactories,
FeatureActionFactories. |
FeatureModelConfiguratorFactory |
FeatureModelConfiguratorFactories are responsible for supplying FeatureModelConfigurators. |
FeatureModelFactory |
FeatureModels are created by FeatureModelFactories. |
FeatureService |
The FeatureService collectes, caches and vends sets of factories of all sorts. |
FeatureSet |
FeatureSet is a tree-forming object, it contains children of a parent feature. |
FeatureSetListener |
Observer of feature set events: feature added, removed or replaced. |
ResourceSetListener |